Benchmark Nutrition offers a variety of nutrition services to individuals looking to improve their performance and health!


Benchmark Nutrition offers a variety of nutrition services to individuals looking to improve their performance and health!

Consultations can be conducted in person, over the phone, or Zoom. Our office is mobile and flexible, covering Jefferson, Tuscaloosa, and Shelby counties.

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Nutrition for Sports Performance

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Nutrition for Weight Loss/Body Composition


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Nutrition Program for Medical/Cardiovascular Health

Consultations can be conducted in person*, over the phone, or Zoom. Our office is mobile and flexible, covering Jefferson, Tuscaloosa, and Shelby counties. Examples of my office include but are not limited to: your home, office, weight room or fitness center, athletic training room, bleachers, basketball court, football field, doctor’s office, coffee shop, tennis court, or most any other private location. Benchmark Nutrition prefers to do the initial consult in person, all subsequent sessions can be done by phone or video call.

We do have a satellite office at Helena Health Club.